The House of Respects
Lior Carmel
Yes I want to become a citizen of Principato di Seborga Yes I want to take advantage of the protection by the Principato di Seborga and apply for asylum. Please give us the reasons why you want to immigrate into the Principato di Seborga or why your are looking there for protection...: I am an 18 year old Israeli, and I am supposed to join the army for 3 years. I object to the mandatory army service laws in Israel, and I object to the treatment of those of us who would much rather not serve. It's practically impossible to get out of the mandatory service, and those who don't serve the full time are discriminated against when looking for a job or higher education. I also object to religious laws which dominate the fields of marriage and work. I'd much rather belong to a pacifist nation which respects each person's religious beliefs and does not impose any laws on the basis of religion. Please give us on which way you will support the development of the Principato... I have got some experience in filmmaking and I'm planning on studying it further. I'l like to be able to help develop media-related affairs I hope you'll be able to help me here.
Thank you very much!
Lior Carmel

The House of Help or Success
Michael Durham
From: Michael Durham (by way of "Klaus-d. Michel" ) Subject: Principality of Seborga
Dear Sir:
I attempted to dispatch my reasons for wishing citizenship in Principality of Seborga. I also listed my company's wish to assist in the buildling of the Principality, especially in the areas of healthcare and education. However, I kept receiving an error message.
Can you assist in any way?
Michael Durham

The House of Money
Andrea Pistoia
email_from: Host:
Name des Antragstellers: Andrea Pistoia Einwohner werden: on Unterstuetzung des Landes:
I want to do business with the Principato. submitter: dispatch...
Andrea Pistoia

The House of Dance
Sylvia Simeonova Simeonova
Dear Sirs,
I was born in the former comunist country of Bulgaria. I `m a 25 years old woman, very fond of balet dance and I think dancing is a way to create beauty and it gives freedom of imagination. For my biggest sorrow I can`t express freely my personal art in my own country, because of the poor conditions of life, the hardest possible way of making my living, the lack of future in personal freedom and understanding. So I would like to gain Your Community with hope for a better and useful life. I really hope that you are the chance of my life. Considering my immense desire for a new life I hope you to make the right decision about my future. Sincery yours,
Sylvia S.Simeonova
Unterstuetzung des Landes:
Dear Excellency,
Reminding You about my artistic demands in the sphere a balet dancing I would like to offer my skills and knowledge by creating a balet school for young ladies as well as for young talented boys and by creating theatre of modern arts so to enrich the young and developing culture of the Principato di Seborga. In conclusion I would like to insure you in my decency, professional skills and my faith in the better world created by persons like me and You. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Best Regards
Sylvia S.Simeonova
submitter: dispatch...
Sylvia Simeonova Simeonova

Page of Immigration

Antrag für Asyl oder Einbürgerung /Application for Asylum or Naturalization


eMail adress...

Ja, ich möchte Einwohner des Principato di Seborga werden.
Yes I want to become a citizen of Principato di Seborga.

Ja, ich möchte den Schutz des Principato di Seborga in Anspruch nehmen und beantrage Asyl.
Yes I want to take advantage of the protection by the Principato di Seborga and apply for asylum.

Bitte geben Sie an, warum Sie in das Principato di Seborga einwandern wollen oder dort Schutz suchen.
Please give us the reasons why you want to immigrate into the Principato di Seborga or why you are looking there for protection...

Bitte geben Sie an, in welcher Weise Sie den Aufbau des Principato unterstützen werden.
Please give us on which way you will support the development of the Principato...

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ARTWARPEACE sculpture plan - June 12 1998
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