[The Seven by Nine Squares home page] [YAWN 20] [Art Strike 1990-1993]

Results of Art Strike Survey (YAWN no. 15) Are "In"

Of those who responded to the survey, 80% were male. 75% of males claimed to be "straight," while 25% claimed to be "celibate." All the females (25% of respondents) were "straight." There were no homosexual respondents. 80% graduated high school, and of those, 75% had at least begun college with 37.5% of these holding or pursuing a graduate degree. The average age of respondents was 28.6 years. 100% of respondents were of European (Caucasian) extraction; all resided in the United States, with 60% living in the Boston, Massachusetts area. The remaining 40% live within 200 miles of Chicago. The average yearly income was $9,060, with at least one respondent claiming no income at all and 40% claiming less than $2,500. Only 20% of respondents claimed to be "participating" in the Art Strike-60% "refused" to participate, with the remaining 20% offering "partial support" to the idea. This survey is not scientific. In all, 5 persons responded.

The questions appeared in YAWN no.15 at the request of a reader. We're still collecting data: write for details.