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The Book You Would Like to Be Written

Index of Authors

(as far as mentioned by the contributors)
  1. Adams, Douglas
  2. Aristotle
  3. Brown, Norman O.
  4. Clemens, Sam
  5. Delany, Samuel R.
    1st proposal
    2nd proposal
  6. Dellilo, Don
  7. von Hardenberg, Friedrich
  8. Heraclitus
  9. Hippasos
  10. Lagerquist, Peer
  11. Mohammed
  12. Peake, Mervyn
  13. Plato
  14. Potaki, Jan
  15. Pythagoras (1)
  16. Pythagoras (2)
  17. Roussel, Raymond
  18. Sappho
  19. Steinbeck, John
  20. Voltaire
  21. Vonnegut, Kurt
  22. Wittgenstein, Ludwig