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Istvan Kantor, pseudonym of Monty Cantsin

" ...of all the these multitudes of 'Monty Cantsin', Istvan Kantor is undoubtedly the one who best fits the favorite Neoist theme that Truth is 'trying to manifest itself' among humanity in the form of 'unheard melodies'; but that it appears again and again for each man in way which are difficult of penetration and at first sight may have no connection with each other, especially as everybody calling themself 'Monty Cantsin' is running around using the same name, and all talking at once. "
Al Ackerman, Istvan Kantor/ Monty Cantsin, in: The Blaster Al Ackerman Omnibus, New York: Feh! Press, 1994, p. 105

  • Dr. Al Ackerman about Istvan Kantor
  • Origins of Neoism Illuminated
  • Letters to The Seven by Nine Squares about Istvan Kantor
  • Overall Index of "Istvan Kantor" mentions in The Seven by Nine Squares

  • Texts